Thursday, April 8, 2010

Where to begin when creating a healthier kitchen?

About a year ago, I wrote a step by step series in my newsletter for how to help you create a healthier pantry. Many of us are trying to eat healthier meals more often at home. Some of us even feel as if we are making great strides, but there is always something new to learn. Overhauling one’s cooking and eating habits can be a daunting task and Wildtree is here to help! Simple, healthy delicious meals can start right now! Here are two steps to begin with...keep checking back for more steps!

***STEP 1***
Change your cooking oil!

Many of us have been cooking with olive oil for years, not realizing that it is not the healthiest choice to use in cooking. (It is an extremely healthy oil when not heated very high.) Olive oil has more saturated fat than we should consume and a low flash point. That means that when you heat olive oil, it becomes a bad fat. Now is the time to make a change. Grapeseed oil has one of the lowest levels of saturated fats of all the oils, and no preservatives, sodium, trans fats, or cholesterol. In fact, grapeseed oil aids in reducing cholesterol levels. It has one of the highest flash points, maintaining its integrity when exposed to high heat. Whether you are using extra virgin olive oil, canola oil or some other vegetable oil, now is the time to switch to Wildtree’s expeller pressed Natural Grapeseed Oil. Expeller pressing is a chemical-free mechanical process that extracts oil from the grapeseed. Grapeseed oil expands when heated which means you will use less oil over time. 

Two scant TBSP of grapeseed oil equals ¼ cup of olive oil.
Which would you rather consume?

And to make life even easier in the kitchen, Wildtree infuses their grapeseed oils with a variety of flavors! Roasted garlic (perfect partner to our Scampi blend), Zesty Lemon (delicious drizzled over asparagus or fish before grilling), Basil Pesto (instant meal when drizzled over pasta) and our Natural Butter Grapeseed Oil (a dairy free alternative to butter).

Use these oils when cooking, baking, sauteing, stir-frying, roasting or grilling!

If you would like to sample all these oils and earn a free grocery shopping trip from Wildtree, send me a note.
Happy, healthy cooking!

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